Lilian Matthiesen

Linear equations in smooth numbers - Lilian Matthiesen

1. Correlations of multiplicative functions | Lilian Matthiesen | 2017

A quantitative version of the fibration method - Loughran - Workshop 1 - CEB T2 2019


[BOURBAKI 2017] 17/06/2017 - 2/4 - Lillian PIERCE

LSU Number Theory Lecture 18 multiplicative functions

21Jan29 Tutte Finding twin smooth integers for isogeny based cryptography Michae

1. Better than squareroot cancellation for multiplicative functions - Adam Harper [2017]

Online course: The non-vanishing of cubic Dirichlet L-functions

Multiplicative functions in large arithmetic progressions and applications by G ́erald Tenenbaum

Pär Kurlberg: Class number statistics for imaginary quadratic fields Pär Kurlberg

Introductory Talk (targeted at members of the harmonic analysis program) by Philippe Michel

Jean-Marie de Koninck: On the proximity of additive and multiplicative functions

Régis De la Bretèche: Friable averages of oscillating arithmetic functions

Beyond uniform distribution: level spacing and minimal gaps

Lineare Algebra 2 Vorlesung 16

[BOURBAKI 2019] The Riemann zeta function in short intervals - Harper - 30/03/19

LSU Complex Analysis Lecture 23 more transforms

'Smooth Numbers' and 'Regular Numbers' #shorts

Alexandra Libby: 'From Personal Treasures to Public Gifts...'

Some small progress on the Mizohata-Takeuchi conjecture - Marina Iliopoulou

Lecture 1: Mini-course on Multiplicative Functions by Kaisa Matomäki & Maksym Radziwill

Andre Neves: Recent progress on minimal surfaces II

Remarks on the Selberg–Delange method (joint work with Gerald Tenenbaum) by Regis de la Bretèche